GenIA platform: a proposal for using artificial intelligence and intuitive programming in the creation of learning objects




Mathematics Education, Artificial intelligence, Learning objects, GenIA platform, Intuitive programming


In Education, the use of artificial intelligence is observed, albeit timidly, in various situations ranging from management support to contributions to teaching and learning processes. This article presents completed doctoral research that investigated how artificial intelligence resources, combined with intuitive programming, could be explored in creating a platform for building Mathematics learning objects. Methodologically, prototyping and educational design research were employed. As part of a professional doctoral program, the research yielded an educational product called GenIA, which relies on the pillars of intuitive programming to construct Mathematics learning objects using flowcharts, assisted by artificial intelligence algorithms and machine learning. The platform was validated in different contexts and demonstrated its viability for use in Mathematics classes.


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How to Cite

Zatti, E. A., & Kalinke, M. A. (2024). GenIA platform: a proposal for using artificial intelligence and intuitive programming in the creation of learning objects. Qualitative Research Journal , 12(30), 01–23.