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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • The text is in accordance with the rules contained in:
  • URLs for referrals were provided when possible.
  • Authors must complete the submission form with data on the full name of the author(s), institutional affiliation, title, ORCID and contact details.
  • In the text of the submitted article, the author must not included personal references (including in the file name) and eliminate any identification in the properties of the .doc or .docx (WORD) file, guaranteeing blind peer review. (Reviewer and author are not revealed to each other, avoiding conflict of interests, as per the reviewer's declaration). The file name must be short, written_RPQ_day-month_year: For example: RPQ_12_11_23
  • I agree to the statement of Ethics and Good Publication Practices, "authors' duties", available at:
  • At the time of submission, the author(s) sends, as a supplementary document, an anti-plagiarism software report. One software possibility is CopySpider freeware.
  • If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the author(s) undertakes to send the file to a Portuguese-speaking reviewer or to a reviewer in the language in which the text is written, as well as for an abstract reviewer.
  • If it is of interest to the author(s), it is possible, after acceptance of the text and review by a professional, to publish the text in English.
  • Publication Fee - Revista Pesquisa Qualitativa began charging a publication fee for texts, as of 05/01/2023, with the sole purpose of defraying the costs of maintaining the journal, such as the website, DOI, third-party services with the platform OJS, eventual revisions of abstracts. The single fee, in the amount of R$150.00 (one hundred and fifty reais), will be charged per published text, regardless of the number of authors. The charge will be made, solely and exclusively, after acceptance of the article and through a Paypal link, with journal data and payment notes entered by the authors. It should be noted that the payment will not interfere with the deadlines and evaluation routine, which remain identical.
  • ​For research involving human beings, it is necessary to submit, as a supplementary document, the project approval opinion, by the ethics committee, in accordance with Resolutions 466/2012 and 510/2016, available, respectively at: 1) https: //; 2)

Author Guidelines

The Qualitative Research Journal (Revista Pesquisa Qualitativa) is interdisciplinary and aims to publish articles that focus on qualitative research or are aligned with the journal’s conception of research.

The mission of the Qualitative Research Journal is to publicize qualitative research carried out in the areas of natural sciences, health, humanities, and education, clarifying qualitative research itself, scientific-philosophical modalities and supports.

The Journal is a space for publishing research and studies in the areas of natural sciences, health, humanities, and education, according to diverse modalities of qualitative research and several possible approaches, such as hermeneutics, structural, ethnographical, historical, symbolic, and critical.

Information about the journal

1 Qualitative Research Journal (Revista Pesquisa Qualitativa) is sponsored by the Qualitative Studies & Research Society (Sociedade de Estudos e Pesquisa Qualitativos) - SE&PQ.

2 The ideas that comprise the Journal, as well as the procedures for its operation are listed under “Authors’ Guidelines” (Diretrizes para Autores), published on the website.

3 The Journal will publish articles about qualitative research itself, technical-scientific-philosophical-artistic modes, and support; articles about research conducted; qualitative research in different areas of knowledge; as well as review of reference work.

4 The Journal is published quarterly, with digitally published issues in April, August, and December, preferably through the website of SE&PQ at

5 The articles may be published in Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, English and French, however the abstracts and keywords must be in English and Portuguese.

6 The character of the content of the Qualitative Research Journal is technical, scientific, philosophical, and artistic.

7 The Journal publishes two types of articles:

a) about studies, in the form of essays or texts which approach themes in a descriptive and analytical manner, discussing controversial issues, queries, interrogating current issues and presenting arguments that illuminate the paths and contribute to understanding the themes focused on; and

b) about research, understood as investigation about a theme and that contemplates, in written text, the basis of research procedures, methodology, the investigation conducted, findings or clarifications of what is being interrogated.

7.1 As well as articles, we also publish

a) Dissertation reviews or summaries, understood as descriptive synthesis of reference works, dissertation, or theses, indicating their relevance and pertinence to the scope of the Journal.

8 Each issue of the Journal is the result of the organization of the editorial team, and could be articulated by theme, field, type of research or other aspects considered relevant regarding the variety of articles submitted and accepted.

9 The Qualitative Research Journal may, periodically, publish a special thematic issue organized by a researcher specially invited by the editorial team for this purpose, or who presents proposal for a project regarding the issue. Further information regarding special issues can be found in the Journal’s guidelines.

10 Published content is the sole responsibility of the author or authors.

11 Regarding the procedures for evaluating projects for special editions:

Projects for Special Thematic Issues must be presented to the editorial team who will evaluate the congruence of the project with the Journal’s editorial policies.

12 The articles submitted by authors for regular or special issues will be anonymously sent to two specialist consultants in the respective field of knowledge of the Article, so that they can present expert opinions regarding their relevance and quality. In case of any doubt, another expert opinion will be obtained from a third consultant.

Specific instructions regarding submission and format

1 Submission

The original must be submitted in a “blind version” using this platform. The manuscript must be sent in the Template file, available for download (click here)

2 Format/composition of the article

The text must be submitted in Word for Windows format (.doc or .docx) in accordance to the following format and composition specifications. Moreover, it should be submitted through the "article template" available for download at the end of these instructions.

2.1 Size of submissions to the Journal

2.1.1 Article

The Article should comprise a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 30 standard pages - layout of the page: A4, upper and lower margins: 2,5 cm; right and left margins: 3 cm.

2.1.2 Review 

The review must have a maximum of 10 standard pages, following the same page layout of the Article.

2.1.3 Summary of dissertations and theses

The summary of dissertations or theses must have a maximum of 04 standard pages, following the same page layout of the Article. The original work submitted must follow the structure explained below, including presentation order:

2.2 Article Heading

12-point Times New Roman, capitalized in bold, centralized, and 1,5 line spacing.

2.3 Heading in English

12-point Times New Roman, capitalized in bold, centralized, and 1,5 line spacing.

2.4 Authors’ Name(s)

12-point Times New Roman, right-aligned, regular, not in bold. In case there is more than  one author, the names must be separated by one line. A footnote should be included, for each of the authors, with the following information: Title, name of Institution (ACRONYM) where title was obtained. Institution (ACRONYM) where the author works or does research, city, state, country, and e-mail.

2.5 Abstract in Portuguese

The abstract must be separated from the names of the authors by two lines. The abstract of the Article must be written in 10-point Times New Roman, single space, justified, without paragraph indentation, with a maximum of 150 words. The word Abstract must be written in 12-point Times New Roman, in bold, single spacing, justified. The abstract itself must come right after the word Abstract.

2.6 Keywords

A minimum of three and a maximum of five keywords must be used. They should be in 10-point Times New Roman, single spacing, justified and separated by semicolons.

2.7 Abstract in English

The abstract in English must be separated from the names of the authors by two lines. The abstract of the Article must be written in 10-point Times New Roman, single space, justified, without paragraph indentation, with a maximum of 150 words. The word Abstract must be written in 12-point Times New Roman, in bold, single spacing, justified. The abstract must come right after the word Abstract.

2.8 Keywords

A minimum of three and a maximum of five keywords must be used. They should be in 10-point Times New Roman, single spacing, justified and separated by semicolons.

2.9 Texts written in other foreign languages

Texts in Spanish, Italian, English or French must include an abstract and key-words in the respective language in which the article is written, i.e. Spanish, Italian, English or French, as well as a version of the same topics in Portuguese and English.

3 Details of the text itself

The article itself must be written in 12-point Times New Roman, 1,5 spacing, justified, with 0 pt. spacing between lines. Paragraph  indentation must be 1,25 cm for the first line. Italics must be used to highlight words / phrases throughout the text.

3.1 Headings and Subheadings

According to current ABNT (Brazilian of Technical Norms) standards

Indication of headings must be left-aligned, preceding the title, and separated by one single space. Arabic numerals must be used to enumerate the headings and must be limited to five levels. (E.g.: 1, 1.1, 2, 2.1, )

The number of the sections (headings and subheadings, etc.) must be in 12-point Times New Roman, bold, left-aligned, with a 1,5 cm line spacing. Only the first letter of the heading should be capitalized. Double spacing should be used between subheadings and the text.

3.2 Quotations

According to current ABNT (Brazilian of Technical Norms) standards

3.3 Footnotes 

Footnotes must come at the end of the page, sequentially numbered in Arabic numerals, 10-point Times New Roman, justified, with single spacing.

3.4 Illustrations

According to current ABNT (Brazilian of Technical Norms) standards

3.5 Tables

Must follow the presentation standards of IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics)

3.6 References

According to current ABNT (Brazilian of Technical Norms) standards 


Studies are understood as essays or texts that approach subjects in a descriptive and analytical way, raising controversies, questions, interrogating the existing and presenting discussions that illuminate paths and contribute to the understanding of what is being focused.

Research Articles

Research is understood as research on a topic that is highlighted and that includes, in the written text, the bases of the research procedures, the methodology, the research carried out, the results obtained or clarifications of the respondent.


Reviews on reference works that address qualitative research.

Fluxo Contínuo Parcial (Exceto Saúde)

This section continues to receive texts from the continuous flow, except from the health area, since the volume of texts received in the last 10 days exceeds our editorial capacity. Therefore, texts in the health area, submitted from 06/01/2024, will be archived immediately.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.