The role of metatext in discursive textual analysis: first learnings in teachers training course
Teacher training, Research, Qualitative analysis, MetatextAbstract
This article aims to present an activity about the role of metatext in Discursive Textual Analysis in a stricto sensu course for teachers training, in the Graduate Program in Science and Mathematics Education (PPGECM-BA). The textual corpus is made up of responses to a question proposed to four masters and three doctoral students in the semester 2023.1. After submitting the contributions and codifications to the analysis processes, we identified the different meanings of the participant's contributions to the proposed activity. This process resulted in four categories that differentiate understandings of the research concept: (i) investigative nature, (ii) phenomenological character, (iii) formative and systematic nature, and (iv) creative and innovative nature. Thus, the activity carried out for the exercise of qualitative textual analysis resulted in a practice that proved to be helpful. Then, intentionally each graduate student could build the necessary structure to register in the respective metatext.
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