Using ChatGPT to solve mathematical problems about directly and inversely proportional variables




Conversational Agents, Chatbots, Mathematics Education, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Technologies


This article presents the results of a qualitative study about the interaction between users and ChatGPT in solving mathematical problems concerning direct and inversely proportional quantities. With an exploratory approach, the methodological procedure was divided into five stages: chatbot selection, choice of instructional materials, selection of mathematical problems, use of ChatGPT, and finally, analysis of responses according to the presented content. Four problems were input into ChatGPT for result analysis, highlighting its propensity for errors and emphasizing the need for preliminary testing. Despite limitations, we found that ChatGPT can contribute to the construction of mathematical knowledge as a viable alternative for the design of new pedagogical proposals combined with digital technologies. Advances in machine learning, such as increased accuracy in textual recognition, directly influence natural language, making didactic experiences with chatbots safer.


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How to Cite

Antunes Ribeiro, A. R., Rosotti Navarro, E., & Kalinke, M. A. (2024). Using ChatGPT to solve mathematical problems about directly and inversely proportional variables. Qualitative Research Journal , 12(30), 01–21.