Creativity in mathematical modeling: analytical survey of some developed research
Mathematics Education, Literature review, Creative process, ModelingAbstract
This paper aims at presenting an analytical survey of research that deals with creativity in Mathematical Modeling based on Mathematics Education perspective, as well as on literature review with a qualitative method, researches published as master and doctoring theses and papers in Annals of scientific journals and events. Four categories were created from the forty-four analyzed papers: 1. Creative process in Mathematical Modeling; 2. Approaches between creativity and Mathematical Modeling; 3. Guidelines to enable the development of creativity in Modeling and; 4. Creativity in international Modeling production - some specificities. Thus, when these categories were analyzed, although they were recent, it could be observed that research on creativity in Mathematical Modeling has been developing nationally and internationally. Mostly, research has shared the same understanding: the potential of Modeling to develop students' creativity. When the focus is on approaches between creativity and Modeling, the fact that Modeling is a heuristic activity constitutes an available environment to produce creative products. Besides this feature, students’ freedom and autonomy in this environment are also aspects that favor creativity, as well as provoke and value the subject's culture who models them. The characteristics of creativity – fluency, flexibility, originality, adequacy and evaluation – are also highlighted as common characteristics in a Modeling environment. Therefore, they are used to evaluate creativity in most situations. Regarding international production, we have some specificities, such as the application of tests to evaluate creativity and the proposition of group creativity, inspired by the sociocultural creativity perspective. Finally, considering research on creativity, when we study some papers that investigate its relationship with Modeling, we observe that the emphasis is on creativity issue as a skill enhanced by Modeling.
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