Research methodology in Mathematics Education: ottean complementarity based on semiotics
Research Methodology, Semiotics, Complementarity, Mathematics EducationAbstract
This paper aims at presenting Ottean Complementarity based on Semiotics as a research methodology in Mathematics Education. Both philosophical and epistemological patterns that support this methodology highlight its role in educational research. Different practical approaches to complementarity are pointed out, through some examples of research that used it as a basis. The report of this study focuses at conclusions such as: the importance of approaching the social and historical character of Mathematics to understand the very nature of the Mathematics, as well as the understanding that interdisciplinarity is a central factor for the foundation of Mathematics Education and the understanding that adopting a methodological approach to research, supported by the Ottean complementarity approach, requires that the researcher in Mathematics Education assume the purpose of constructing and constituting an “always renewed” investigative stance, for each problem and object intended to be investigated.
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