Ethnographic studies in administration in Brazil: a new theoretical construction?




Etnografia, Administração, Escolas Antropológicas


This study aims to analyze how research using the ethnographic method in the administration area is characterized, using the Spell platform as a basis for data collection.  The study has a descriptive and exploratory character, with a qualitative approach. The first selection criterion was only articles in Brazilian language, collected all on the same day (September 4, 2019) but with a longitudinal perspective. The study was developed through documentary research and analyzed from content analysis.  The corpus of analysis was composed of a total of 47 articles.  In the analysis of the data, it was identified that according to the analysis of anthropological schools, most studies meet the English School; the French school appeared in 17 articles and the American School appeared in 11 articles, demonstrating trends of studies with a look at economics and social sciences.


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How to Cite

Cassanego Jr., P. V., Freddo Fleck, C., & Rosano Rodrigues, P. (2022). Ethnographic studies in administration in Brazil: a new theoretical construction?. Qualitative Research Journal , 10(25), 346–367.

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