Teachers and students’ perceptions about remote teaching in higher education: online qualitative research
Emergency remote teaching, Digitalisation of the teaching and learning process, Digital platforms, Qualitative Research, Online data collectionAbstract
This study analyses the impacts and challenges of emergency remote teaching in Higher Education institutions in Porto due to the COVID-19 crisis in 2020. We carried out an exploratory study of a qualitative nature to analyze the perceptions of teachers and students about the digitalisation of the teaching and learning process in Higher Education. Data were collected through semi-structured online, synchronous interviews with ten professors, who accepted to participate, and balances of the lived experience written and made available on the Moodle Platform by ten students. Subsequently, content analysis and triangulation were carried out with the support of the Nvivo Software. The study revealed that remote teaching in Higher Education had an impact on reinforcing the training of teachers and students in using new technologies and on changing pedagogical practices. In addition, it can contribute to researchers' reflections on online data collection in qualitative research.
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