Sampling in qualitative research: concepts and applications to the field of health




Methodology, Qualitative Research, Sampling, Health


This study presents and discusses some basic concepts for understanding the application of sample construction and closing techniques, emphasizing the most used to carry out qualitative investigations and the relevance of choice for research in the health field. Based on the literature and the practice of the researcher and supervisor of the stricto sensu postgraduate course, we sought to elucidate situations necessary to consider the conditions of choice and qualifications of the participants in the sample. We have explored the following questions: which concepts are important for understanding the sample construction process? What strategies and types involved in sample construction are indicated for qualitative investigations? What conditions are necessary to guide access to participants in a qualitative sample in the health field? How must sample closure techniques be conducted in qualitative health research? In qualitative logic, we realize that the details and planning of sampling techniques in clinical research must permeate technical, contextual, human, and ethical decisions.


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How to Cite

Campos, C. J. G., & Saidel, M. G. B. . (2022). Sampling in qualitative research: concepts and applications to the field of health. Qualitative Research Journal , 10(25), 404–424.