Qualitative research methods: exploring meanings and themes in different lines of a graduate program in administration





Methodology, Research, Administration, Qualitative Research


This study investigates the use of qualitative research methods in management by professors from a postgraduate program at a Brazilian public university. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, and the data were analyzed using Thematic Analysis. For the interpretation of the results, four categories were defined in a fluid and flexible manner to achieve greater depth and engagement with the data: (i) rigor and relevance, (ii) objectivity and subjectivity, (iii) ethics in qualitative research, and (iv) academic spaces and disputes. The results reveal divergences and biases in certain areas of management. It was observed that interviewees have different views on the value of qualitative approaches and on the characteristics necessary for the construction of scientific knowledge. This work aims to contribute to the advancement of qualitative research in administration and to reflect on its meaning and practicality. Furthermore, it highlights the difficulties faced by academia in valuing qualitative methods in managerial research.


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How to Cite

de Siqueira, J. F. J., de Avelar, G. dos S. M., & Alcântara, V. de C. (2024). Qualitative research methods: exploring meanings and themes in different lines of a graduate program in administration. Qualitative Research Journal , 12(32), 400–424. https://doi.org/10.33361/RPQ.2024.v.12.n.32.756