Analysis of human aging from the perspective of health professionals using Grounded Theory




Aged, Grounded Theory, Public Health


Objective: to investigate how health professionals perceive human aging. Methods: this is an exploratory, descriptive study, with a qualitative approach, developed with twelve health professionals from a reference service for elderly people. Data collection was carried out through interviews supported by a semi-structured instrument and analyzed according to the precepts of Grounded Theory. Results: Through the speeches, it was highlighted as a central phenomenon: revealing the multiple changes arising from the aging process, in which biological, social and psychological factors interact with each other and culminate in a dynamic and heterogeneous process. Final considerations: Population aging is a worldwide phenomenon, therefore, understanding the multidimensionality of senescence contributes to planning assistance based on the specific needs of this population.


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How to Cite

Fernandes Barbosa, K. T., Rodrigues Lopes de Oliveira, F. M., Batista Cabral, J. V., de Araújo Rodrigues Abdala, E., Oliveira Feitosa Vieira , A. V., Lima Gomes, G. L., & Melo Fernandes, M. das G. (2025). Analysis of human aging from the perspective of health professionals using Grounded Theory. Qualitative Research Journal , 13(33), 78–93.