Knowledge acquisition process in the management of nurses in hospital organizations




Need for Information, Acquisition of Knowledge, Knowledge Management, Nursing Services, Hospital


This study aimed to analyze how the knowledge acquisition process is managed by nurses in hospital organizations. This is a qualitative study carried out in six public hospitals from July to September 2022. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews with 15 nursing managers and analyzed according to content analysis and the absorptive capacity model. The results showed that knowledge acquisition occurs through the use of intra- and extra-organizational sources of information and knowledge,  such as documentary and non-documentary information, through institutional documents and legislation, training programs, in extra- and intra-organizational courses and on-site training, and professional practice. It was concluded that the sources of intra- and extra-organizational information and knowledge are crucial to the process of acquiring knowledge in professional nursing practice, with stages and components that have an impact on the effectiveness of this process and should therefore be strategically conducted and planned by nurse managers.



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How to Cite

Arcanjo Oliveira Cordeiro, A. L., Oliveira Silva, R. M. de, Dumêt Fernandes, J., & Reis da Silva, G. T. (2024). Knowledge acquisition process in the management of nurses in hospital organizations. Qualitative Research Journal , 12(32), 510–530.

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