Based gender violence: conceptual analysis supported by artificial intelligence




Gender based violence, Violence against woman, Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence, Concept Formation


The objective of this article was to analyze the concept of gender violence, through the relationship with its substitute terms. Definitions published in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French were used as an empirical basis. Article searches were carried out using structured terms. We have identified 222 definitions and the defining terms were extracted. Based on these terms, the “knowledge discovery in databases” process was carried out to generate association rules. The content of the rules was analyzed to identify gendered rules. The terms that made up the gendered rules were organized into antecedents, consequents, and attributes. As a main result, it was verified that gender violence is made up of a set of types of violence, highlighting psychological, sexual, economic, and physical violence, in addition to victimizing women in a hegemonic way, being perpetuated by a man with whom the victim relates.



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Author Biographies

Victoria Grassi Bonamigo, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná

Psicóloga. Mestre e Doutoranda em Tecnologia em Saúde pela PUCPR.

Deborah Ribeiro Carvalho, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná

Professora Adjunta da PUCPR desde 2010. Mestre em Informática Aplicada pela PUCPR em 1999, Doutora em Informática Aplicada pela PUCPR em 2002 e em Computação de Alto Desempenho pela COPPE – UFRJ em 2005. Professora Colaboradora do Programa de Pós-graduação em Gestão da Informação (UFPR), desde 2008

Marcia Regina Cubas, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná

Nurse. Master in Public Health from ENSP (Fiocruz). PhD in Nursing from the Department of Public Health Nursing at the USP School of Nursing. Post-doctorate at the Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto (with CNPq scholarship). CNPq researcher (PQ2). Adjunct Professor at PUCPR, working in the Postgraduate Program in Health Technology, at the Polytechnic School; and in the Nursing degree, from the School of Life Sciences.


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How to Cite

Grassi Bonamigo, V., Ribeiro Carvalho, D., & Cubas, M. R. (2024). Based gender violence: conceptual analysis supported by artificial intelligence. Qualitative Research Journal , 12(30), 01–15.