Interpretative phenomenological analysis in management research: from theory to methodological application




Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, IPA, Qualitative Research, Management


This study aims to analyze the application of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) in Management research and its contributions. A literature review of the Narrative Textual Synthesis type was conducted based on 52 empirical articles in the field published between 2013 and 2022, extracted from the Scopus database using the ‘Business, Management and Accounting' filter. The findings indicate that IPA enhances qualitative research in Management by revealing perceptions, meanings, emotional, cognitive, and affective aspects in organizational phenomena from the perspectives of involved parties, such as entrepreneurs, leaders, workers, women, minorities, and others. The analysis of these experiences generates pertinent discussions that support emerging theories or deepen the understanding of concepts in established theories, contributing to enhancing organizational practices, processes, policies, and guidelines. Furthermore, this study offers a comprehensive synthesis of IPA's application in Management, enriching methodological comprehension in the field.


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Author Biography

Mariane Lemos Lourenço, Federal University of Paraná

Ph.D. in Psychology at University of São Paulo – USP.  Professor at Federal University of Paraná in Departament of Management and Post-Graduation Program in Administration - Strategy and Organizations.  Member of EGOS – European Group for Organizational Studies. Areas of interest: organizational behavior, research, emotions.


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How to Cite

Day Pereira de Souza, L., & Lemos Lourenço, M. (2023). Interpretative phenomenological analysis in management research: from theory to methodological application. Qualitative Research Journal , 11(28), 728–756.