Feelings of families of victims of child sexual abuse: perceptions during health care
Perception, Child Abuse, Sexual, Family, Health, Health ServicesAbstract
Uncover the feelings demonstrated by family members during health care for sexually abused children and adolescents, from the perspective of professionals. A qualitative study was carried out in 2019 with 30 professionals working in a public hospital in Bahia, Brazil. Data were collected using an interview guide, analyzed according to thematic content, and interpreted in the light of Symbolic Interactionism. Four thematic categories emerged. Family members of children and adolescents who have suffered sexual abuse demonstrate emotional distress characterized by a state of shock, despair, and indignation. The internal moral suffering of family members ismanifested by feelings such as worry and guilt, while the feeling of response to Society is revealed in the perception of embarrassment expressed by family members. The emotional state of conscious response is perceived by expressions of fear and suffering. The feelings listed were captured from interactions and were therefore expressed verbally and non-verbally during the service.
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