Shall we schedule a meeting? Reflections on the use of non-face-to-face interview as a technique of data collection




Qualitative research, Interview, Online data collection


The use of non-face-to-face interviews appears in scientific debates as an alternative to the face-to-face collection technique, but with the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic their use increased. The present article sought to analyze the possibilities and challenges of using non-face-to-face interviews as a data collection technique, from the reports on experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research is of qualitative approach by conducting semi-structured interviews (face-to-face and non-face-to-face), carried out with professors from the administration field of study. Data were analyzed based on content analysis. Results point to the realization of the use of the technique as a “new” way of collecting data in the post-pandemic scenario. Moreover, results provide reports that identify advantages and disadvantages of using this interviewing modality, in addition to discussing the tools available.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues Antunes, L., Hennig Silva, A., Freddo Fleck, C., & Karagrigoriou Galanos, A. (2023). Shall we schedule a meeting? Reflections on the use of non-face-to-face interview as a technique of data collection. Qualitative Research Journal , 11(27), 561–583.

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