The ethics of applying artificial intelligence and chatbots in mental health: a psychoanalytic perspective




Artificial Intelligence, Mental Health, Psychoanalysis, Ethics


This paper discusses the ethical implications of the use of Artificial Intelligences (AIs) or therapist chatbots in mental health through the method of narrative literature review. It defines what these devices are, their benefits and limitations for clinical practice. Then, it examines the ethical problems that the result from these technologies from perspective of psychoanalysis. It highlights the risks of complex emotional harm, lack of validity and reliability of information, and absence of accountability of the agents involved. Finally, it presents some recommendations for the development of more ethical AIs and the questions that arise in this sense.


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How to Cite

dos Reis Silveira, P. V., & Leitão Paravidini, J. L. (2024). The ethics of applying artificial intelligence and chatbots in mental health: a psychoanalytic perspective. Qualitative Research Journal , 12(30), 01–16.