Nurse’s activity in front of violence against elderly people: phenomenological study
Nursing Care, Qualitative Research, Elder Abuse, Forensic NursingAbstract
The objective of this research was to unveil the role of nurses in the hospital environment during nursing consultations with elderly victims of violence and to identify the type of violence suffered by the elderly person based on the nurses' reports. A qualitative phenomenological research was conducted through interviews with eight nurses from five hospital institutions, following the assumptions of Alfred Schütz's social phenomenology. The analysis was carried out using the steps proposed by Martins and Bicudo, resulting in four main categories (reasons why): nurses' perception regarding the care of elderly victims of violence; nurses' identification of violence against the elderly; affective repercussions and actions of nurses in the face of elderly victims of violence; expectations and desires (reasons for) related, represented by the fifth category: empathy as a motivator for nurses' actions during the care provided to elderly victims of violence. A broad unveiling of experiences with the execution of important actions was observed, but gaps that need to be addressed were also identified, such as reporting to the competent authorities and preserving evidence.
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