Methodological aspects of the focused ethnography on senses: debating the use of short narratives and Durkheim’s social facts




Focused ethnography, Meanings of health and illness, Short narratives, Social fact, Sociology of health


Ethnographic studies have polysemous interests in qualitative health researchers – confronted by theoretical fascination versus practicability and transferability in their fields of activity. Based on the experience in an oncology hospital environment, the objective in this paper was to reflect on the development of ethnographic research focused on the search for the senses of health-disease-care, drawing from Émile Durkheim’s short narratives and social facts. Data production procedures are indicated based on glances, observations, diary notes, self-reflection and interviews with feedbacks, preserving the systematization, not with the purpose of a lousy scientism, but rather enabling to pass on its implications to practice or to move reflections in Public Health and its professionals, as they also include descriptions about the microsocial and macrosocial spheres. At the end of the debate, dynamics and demystifications about focused ethnography are pointed out in order to perpetuate the fascination inherent to it and even amplify its execution in hospital settings.


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How to Cite

Correa Júnior, A. J. S., Paraizo-Horvath, C. M. S., Teles, A. A. da S. ., Santana, M. E. de ., & Sonobe, H. M. . (2023). Methodological aspects of the focused ethnography on senses: debating the use of short narratives and Durkheim’s social facts. Qualitative Research Journal , 11(26), 01–27.