Logic of the qualitative research and ethical issues: integrating synthesis and developments of VI SIPEQ panels


  • Tiago Emanuel Klüber Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná




In this text, we present an integrative summary of the main aspects addressed in the three panels of the VI International Seminar on Research and Qualitative Studies, SIPEQ, held in September 2021, online. It is noteworthy that the synthesis stems from the speech of 15 renowned researchers from different areas of knowledge who take qualitative research in their research practices. The aspects were registered during the panels, with the help of an online tool for the construction of “mental maps”. With this tool, in addition to scoring them, it was possible to articulate them, seeking convergence of meaning between the lines. In general, there are philosophical, theoretical-epistemological, legal, operational and experiential aspects that were deepened by the panelists. From these reflections, suggestions for referral emerged that, as we understand, can be explained in assertions, such as: qualitative research not restricted to Human Sciences; the Ethics Committees must carry out the equitable composition of the areas; inspiration from international ethics councils, can shed more light on the conduct of the National Commission on Ethics in Research on Human Beings, CONEP and the local Ethics Committees.

Keywords: Research Ethics; Qualitative research; Ethical Procedures.


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How to Cite

Klüber, T. E. . (2021). Logic of the qualitative research and ethical issues: integrating synthesis and developments of VI SIPEQ panels. Qualitative Research Journal , 9(22), 613–621. https://doi.org/10.33361/RPQ.2021.v.9.n.22.513