Guidelines performed in neonatal intensive care unit for parents


  • Margarida Luzia Piloni Hospital Universitário da UNIOESTE
  • Joanita Poczits Krebs Hospital Universitário da UNIOESTE
  • Eliane das Graças Dias Silva Hospital Universitário da UNIOESTE
  • Adriana Zilly Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná
  • Rosane Meire Munhak da Silva UNIOESTE



Identify and understand the perception of the guidelines given to parents of newborns hospitalized in an intensive care unit. Descriptive, qualitative study carried out with 33 parents of newborns hospitalized in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in a hospital from Paraná, in 2016 and 2017. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and the data analyzed according to the Collective Subject Discourse. Parents were instructed on the reasons for hospitalization, the need to touch their child and were accompanied on their first visit to the sector. The construction of the Collective Subject Discourse allowed to see that few parents receive guidance on the operation of equipment, care and interventions performed. Parents highlight the need for improvements in their accommodation and communication between parents and health professionals. The lack of information and guidance can weaken the interaction between parents and health professionals, making it difficult to welcome and humanized care in neonatal units.

Keywords: Neonatal intensive care unit; Parents; Patient care team; Guidance.


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How to Cite

Piloni, M. L. ., Krebs, J. P., Silva, E. das G. D. ., Zilly, A., & da Silva, R. M. M. (2022). Guidelines performed in neonatal intensive care unit for parents. Qualitative Research Journal , 10(23), 136–149.