The plataforma Brasil and its textures


  • Ana Maria Lopez Calvo de Feijoo Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro



This study aims to show the impacts, experienced by scientists, caused by the mandatory submission of research from the Human and Social Sciences to Plataforma Brazil. To start the study, we asked for a statement about this experience to the participants of GT Psychology & Phenomenology. We continue to investigate the difficulties encountered in articles and texts of researchers in Human and Socialareas. With these statements and texts about the subject, we conclude that the complaints refer to issues such as: the submission process bureaucracy, methodological requirement incompatible with qualitative research; evaluators from other areas who do not understand the procedures of qualitative research; rigidity of the system. We continued the study showing the need for research control so that the atrocities committed against human beings, in the name of science, during World War II do not repeat and, at the same time, we show how Viktor Frankl's research could be performed in this same war, without causing any harm to research subjects. The different established codes and regulatory norms of researchesare presented: Nuremberg Code, 2012 Resolution and the CEP/CONEP system, besides the dialogue of Human and Social Sciences with these codes. Finally, we problematize the ethics, morals, hybris and metron concepts, in order to conclude that the modern man needs norms since he has forgotten the proper measure to relationships. And to remember this measure it is necessary that we can be able to see the Plataforma Brasil in its textures.

Keywords: Brazil Platform; World War II; Viktor Frankl; Ethics.


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How to Cite

Feijoo, A. M. L. C. de . (2022). The plataforma Brasil and its textures. Qualitative Research Journal , 9(22), 643–658.