Ethics of qualitative research accordins to its characteristics


  • Maria Cecilia de Souza Minayo Fundação Oswaldo Cruz



This essay deals with ethics in qualitative research and highlights its comprehensive, relational and reflective character, as well as the advantages and problems that arise from this form of knowledge. The text is divided into two parts. The first presents changes brought about by the Resolution of the National Health Council of no. 510/2016 in relation to previous Resolutions, adapting the requirements and demands of the National Research Ethics Council (CONEP) and the Research Ethics Committees (CEP) to the philosophy and practice of the Humanities and Social Sciences (CHS). The second part deepens an analysis of the foundations of Research Ethics in CHS and deals with the relationship between researcher-researched and their reflexivity; the approaches and dilemmas of empirical research; and the epistemological differences between truth, approximation and the possibility of generalization. The text concludes by highlighting the importance of research in CHS and, in particular, of qualitative research.

Key words: Qualitative research; Ethics; Reflexivity; Theory of knowledge.


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How to Cite

Minayo, M. C. de S. . (2021). Ethics of qualitative research accordins to its characteristics. Qualitative Research Journal , 9(22), 521–539.