Stigma to LSD treatment: an exploratory study
The Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) is a psychoactive substance, that provokes cognitive changes in human brain. It was a notorious drug at 1960s, being associated with the hippie culture. LSD’s consume was prohibited and considered harmful to society, and it has generated prejudice and stigma about psychoactive substances in general. The aim was to investigate their opinion about the therapeutic use of LSD. The present study is a qualitative research, where 15 medicine students participated. Trough Thematic Analysis, it was verified the following codes: “Knowledge”, “Opinion” and “Learning possibilities”. Respectively, the codes investigated how much the students knew about the therapeutic use of LSD, their opinion about the substance, and how much the subject is being spoken in medicine classes. The subject introduction’s lack inside their context in graduation generated the students lack of knowledge about the therapeutic use of LSD.
Keywords: LSD; Psychofarmacology; Anxiety; Depression; Cognition.
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