Potentialities of whatsapp in a mixed qualitative study on food practices within a millennial population





This paper discusses the potential of the WhatsApp platform in the broader context of a qualitative research regarding food practices among the Millennial generation. A mixed qualitative study was developed in 2019, with 22 millennials, both Portuguese and Spanish, combining a shared food diary via WhatsApp with a semi-structured interview. Data analysis and interpretation of results with NVivo brought out three key themes for questioning the use of WhatsApp as a tool at the service of qualitative research: (1) the commitment generated between interviewer and informant through sharing information via WhatsApp; (2) the management of expectations in the face of an eventual digital divide between interviewer and informant; and (3) the ethics associated with digital information sharing. In conclusion, the added value of the tool is highlighted, as well as the need to establish ethical guidelines for the security, privacy and integrity of the data collected through WhatsApp.

Keywords: Millennials; Food Practices; WhatsApp; Qualitative Methods.


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How to Cite

Suárez Gómez , M., & Pisco Costa, R. (2021). Potentialities of whatsapp in a mixed qualitative study on food practices within a millennial population. Qualitative Research Journal , 9(21), 392–409. https://doi.org/10.33361/RPQ.2021.v.9.n.21.461



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