“Invasion” versus “occupation” of the urban social center engenho do meio: content analysis of two semi-structured interviews
This article consists of an excerpt from a brief survey carried out for the purpose of assessing learning, within the scope of the discipline ‘Qualitative methods and advanced data analysis’, taught by the professor. Dra. Selma Leitão, in the Cognitive Psychology’s Post-Graduate Program of the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). Content analysis of two semi-structured interviews was carried out, both on december, 2019, aiming to understand the meanings attributed to the social movement of occupation of a public space located in a neighborhood of Recife - the Engenho do Meio Urban Social Center (CSU). The study had two participants: a resident of the neighborhood (M.) and an occupant of the CSU (S.). The analysis revealed that, for M., the occupation is a negative and unwanted event; conversely, for S., it is about the possibility of realizing a dream and a means of promoting human values such as dignity and companionship.
Keywords: Content analysis; Social movement; Qualitative research; Meaning.
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