Languaging in the comprehension of discursive textual analysis: from words to concepts




The Discursive Textual Analysis (DTA) has been widely used in several studies in the last years in Brazil. This fact has generated a myriad of senses of its understanding. In this perspective, and in order to promote greater understanding of the foundations and procedures of this methodology, the present study tried to approach, in a theoretical and introductory way, words that constitute a characteristic languaging of the DTA. Thus, in an upward movement - from words to concepts -, words that have been indicated, by postgraduates who have taken a course on DTA, as terms of difficult understanding or of wide relevance in studies on this methodology are discussed.  These terms have been grouped into three axis: philosophical approaches in studies of the DTA; meaning in the DTA; analytical path in the DTA.

Keywords: Qualitative research; Discursive Textual Analysis; Methodology; Languaging.


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How to Cite

Moreno-Rodríguez, A. S. (2020). Languaging in the comprehension of discursive textual analysis: from words to concepts. Qualitative Research Journal , 8(19), 1021–1040.