Understanding ethnoresearch in science teacher education by using the DTA





This paper introduces epistemological and philosophical issues, besides a theoretical-practical example, of the search that aims at understanding Ethnoresearch in Science Teacher Education by using the Discursive Textual Analysis (DTA). It covers aspects involved in the development of qualitative research in a hermeneutical-phenomenological approach in which researchers’ understanding happens through the use of language and with it, when description and interpretation are carried out. Describing and interpreting are associated with researchers' experiences when they transform information under analysis into the study and into ways of expanding, improving and communicating ideas by the DTA. Analytical processes of unitarization and categorization, besides the hermeneutical dive, are shown as movements to set aside early research questions and to carry out self-organization of recursive writing of metatexts. From individual and collective information, structuring and validation of arguments emerge in the communication of what was understood in the education process under investigation.

Keywords: Discursive Textual Analysis; Ethnoresearch Formation; Qualitative Research; Hermeneutic Phenomenology; Metatext.


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Author Biography

Valmir Heckler, FURG

Doutor em Educação em Ciênicas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG). Professor Adjunto no Instituto de Matemática, Estátistica e Física da FURG, campus Rio Grande. Lider do grupo de pesquisa Comunidade de Indação em Ensino de Física Interdisciplinar (CIEFI).



How to Cite

Guidotti, C., & Heckler, V. (2020). Understanding ethnoresearch in science teacher education by using the DTA. Qualitative Research Journal , 8(19), 768–784. https://doi.org/10.33361/RPQ.2020.v.8.n.19.365