Fútbol callejero and educational process: emerging knowledge of convergent experiences
The aim of this study was to identify and comprehend the emerging educational processes from the practice of Fútbol Callejero (FC) in two different interventions, within non-school context and without school context. Intervention-1 (i-1) occurred together with the partnership between the socio-educational projects "Experiences in Diversified Leisure Activities" (VADL) and "More than Football" (MQF), carried out with children and adolescents from 6 to 14 years of age, and Intervention-2 (i-2) was developed with a Physical Education class from the 4th grade of Elementary School of the State of São Paulo Public System with students from 9 to 10 years of age. We emphasize that FC was designed and created in Argentina and implies the development of football matches played in three periods; mixed team composition (boys and girls); absence of referees; point attribution based on the pillars Respect, Companionship and Solidarity. We are guided by qualitative research based on phenomenology. We believe that FC is an educational practice with the potential to teach us to be better, to reflect critically about our own action with others and with the world, challenging and inviting us to protagonism, collective construction and mobilization for a welcoming, inclusive and solidarity, in which dialogicity is the basis of relationships.
Keywords: Educational Process; Fútbol Callejero; Dialogic Pedagogy; Human Motricity.
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