Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.-
The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".
- The text is in accordance with the rules contained in:
- URLs for referrals were provided when possible.
- Authors must complete the submission form with data on the full name of the author(s), institutional affiliation, title, ORCID and contact details.
- In the text of the submitted article, the author must not included personal references (including in the file name) and eliminate any identification in the properties of the .doc or .docx (WORD) file, guaranteeing blind peer review. (Reviewer and author are not revealed to each other, avoiding conflict of interests, as per the reviewer's declaration). The file name must be short, written_RPQ_day-month_year: For example: RPQ_12_11_23
- I agree to the statement of Ethics and Good Publication Practices, "authors' duties", available at:
- At the time of submission, the author(s) sends, as a supplementary document, an anti-plagiarism software report. One software possibility is CopySpider freeware.
- If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the author(s) undertakes to send the file to a Portuguese-speaking reviewer or to a reviewer in the language in which the text is written, as well as for an abstract reviewer.
- If it is of interest to the author(s), it is possible, after acceptance of the text and review by a professional, to publish the text in English.
Publication Fee - Revista Pesquisa Qualitativa began charging a publication fee for texts, as of 05/01/2023, with the sole purpose of defraying the costs of maintaining the journal, such as the website, DOI, third-party services with the platform OJS, eventual revisions of abstracts. The single fee, in the amount of R$150.00 (one hundred and fifty reais), will be charged per published text, regardless of the number of authors. The charge will be made, solely and exclusively, after acceptance of the article and through a Paypal link, with journal data and payment notes entered by the authors. It should be noted that the payment will not interfere with the deadlines and evaluation routine, which remain identical.
- For research involving human beings, it is necessary to submit, as a supplementary document, the project approval opinion, by the ethics committee, in accordance with Resolutions 466/2012 and 510/2016, available, respectively at: 1) https: //; 2)
- The manuscript incorporates, whenever possible, references from the Revista Pesquisa Qualitativa, in order to keep the debate up to date and understand the journal as an environment for permanent dialogue on the topic. In addition, it is supported by bibliographical references that confirm a more in-depth study of qualitative research, in addition to basic or introductory manuals on the topic.
Studies are understood as essays or texts that approach subjects in a descriptive and analytical way, raising controversies, questions, interrogating the existing and presenting discussions that illuminate paths and contribute to the understanding of what is being focused.
Research Articles
Research is understood as research on a topic that is highlighted and that includes, in the written text, the bases of the research procedures, the methodology, the research carried out, the results obtained or clarifications of the respondent.
Reviews on reference works that address qualitative research.
Fluxo Contínuo Parcial (Exceto Saúde)
This section continues to receive texts from the continuous flow, except from the health area, since the volume of texts received in the last 10 days exceeds our editorial capacity. Therefore, texts in the health area, submitted from 06/01/2024, will be archived immediately.
s pesquisas com narrativas (auto)biográficas, de natureza qualitativa, utilizadas nas ciências humanas e sociais, principalmente, permitem uma maior aproximação a aspetos da docência, na complexidade e riqueza dos seus percursos e vivências – pessoais, profissionais e formativos. Tratam-se, assim, de uma construção que integra eminentemente as dimensões subjetiva e intersubjetiva, uma vez que articulam perspetivas do sujeito, concepções e representações, e atribuem ao campo epistemológico a quem se integram características únicas. As narrativas (auto) biográficas revelam-se, desse modo, decisivas e potenciais num processo de investigação.
Este número temático visa reunir um conjunto de estudos que, pelas características específicas e singularidades, se inscreve, essencialmente, na abordagem qualitativa, com recurso às Narrativas (Auto) Biográficas, cujo interesse de investigação recaia sobre a Formação de Professores e a Docência, seus percursos e experiências. Como propósito transversal encontra-se o compromisso dos estudos que comporão este Número Temático que, por opção metodológica, por um lado, evidenciarão o valor inestimável da Abordagem Qualitativa na/para a Formação e a Docência, não exclusivamente para as ciências humanas e sociais, mas também para as demais ciências; e, por outro, dar a conhecer e compreender fenômenos da Formação e da Docência que, no essencial, não são facilmente mensuráveis. Por esta razão, este número temático traz para o debate PESQUISAS COM NARRATIVAS (AUTO) BIOGRÁFICAS: LADRILHANDO PERCURSOS E EXPERIÊNCIAS NA FORMAÇÃO DE PROFESSORES E NA DOCÊNCIA.
Trata-se de uma iniciativa assumida pelo Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Formação Docente (GEFOR), da Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido (UFERSA), e pelo Grupo de Pesquisa Docência no Ensino Superior e na Educação Básica, da Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE), bem como dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Ensino (UFERSA) e Educação (UECE), que se enquadram no compromisso de fomentar estudos e divulgação de percursos e vivências que, independentemente dos espaços geográficos e temporais onde ocorram, poderão contribuir para a melhoria da qualidade da formação de professores e da Docência.
Psicologia e Pesquisa Qualitativa
This section is intended for manuscripts that focus on qualitative research in Psychology, both theoretical and field research.
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