La ricerca qualitativa e le questioni etiche
In this paper I deal with the questions of the logic of the research referring myself to the formation of the members of the ethical commissions, that are connected with a Platform Brazil. This Platform was constituted in order to evaluate the research projects according to a scientific, philosophical and ethical point of view. On my opinion it is necessary a discussion on the importance of the qualitative research particularly for the human sciences and the health sciences. From a philosophical perspective it is important to examine the qualitative research in connection with philosophical anthropology. For this reason I examine the role of ethics and to explain it, I go as far as Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology to understand the constitution of the human being in himself/herself and the relationship with others. Moreover Husserl together with Hedwig Conrad-Martius gives us the criteria of a qualitative research not only regarding human sciences, but also regarding physical sciences. Very important is the role of the intellectuals; they have a great responsibility in general and particularly in the universities communities because of the consequence of their decisions for all the people in a country.
Keywords: Platform Brazil; Ethics; Qualitative Research; Plataforma Brasil; Scientific knowledge.
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